– Sermon Podcasts –
Doubt, Faith, and The Message
Our Response to the Arrival of Jesus
Who is Jesus?
Contentment, Confidence, and Generosity
The Character & Mind of Christ
Stand Firm
Priorities, Purpose & Righteousness
Work Out Your Salvation
Selfless Living
To Live is Christ
Unstoppable Gospel
Blessed are those who are Persecuted
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Blessed are those that Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Blessed are the Meek
Blessed Are Those That Mourn
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Doctrine of Providence
Doctrine of Humanity
Doctrine of Creation
Doctrine of God
Unstoppable God
Jeremiah 42 & Mother's Day Interviews
Enduring Opposition
God's Word and Our Response
The New Covenant
The Future
The Church
Our Response [Easter Sunday]
The Path to Resurrection
The Path to Resurrection
The Possibility
The Promise
Bad Shepherds, Lying Prophets, and Hope
Conspiracy of the Heart
Worship & Obedience
Living Water & Broken Cisterns
Jeremiah's Call
With & For
Spiritual Renewal
Selfless Living
Biblical Truth
Unexpected Path
Unexpected Child
Unexpected Promise
Influencing Your Family
Loving Our Family When It's Hard to Love
As followers of Jesus, our attitudes, values, and goals must be constantly redefined in light of the Gospel. Paul’s message to the Corinthians encourages them to live in a new way, embracing the cruciform life of Jesus. Followers of Jesus can live differently through the cross and resurrection and model generosity, humility, and weakness. Join us for this journey through the letter of 2 Corinthians.
Redefining Security
Redefining Strength
Redefining Confrontation
Redefining our Spiritual Battle
Redefining the Act of Generosity
Redefining the Heart of Generosity
Redefining Renewal
Redefining Endurance
Redefining Opportunity
Redefining Hope
Redefining Maturity
Redefining Identity
Redefining Forgiveness
Redefining Comfort
Week 3 // Cultural Engagement
Week 2 // Understanding Deconstruction
Week 1 // What is a Biblical Worldview?
The Blessing
Faith & Strategy
Run the Race
By Faith
Gather, Endure, and Don't Quit
Striving vs. Resting
A Better Covenant
The Church
The Resurrection
Old Ways vs. New Ways
Honest Question...Is Jesus Greater?
God, Promises, and Us
Salvation and Security
Jesus as our Great High Priest
Rest & Peace in a Frantic World
The Greatness of Jesus and Danger of Unbelief
The Supremacy and Suffering of Jesus
Don't be Distracted
With & For
Selfless Living
Spiritual Authority
Biblical Authority
Next Level Spiritual Disciplines
The Shepherd's Encounter with God's Plan
Mary's Encounter and Humility
How do we Respond to God's Work?
We are #Forgreenville
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